The Azrieli Foundation is strictly apolitical. As a registered charity, the Azrieli Foundation does not engage in or fund any partisan political activities.

Spring issue of Aperio now available

Foundation supports Israel through continued crisis

Helping new immigrants to Canada

Ushering in a new era of pediatric care in Canada

CIUSSS West-Central Montreal inaugurates the Azrieli Clinic for the Neurodivergent Community

Our Programs

In addition to investing strategically in organizations large and small,
we operate several programs in our priority funding areas.

Our Priorities

We help people discover their strengths and maximize their potential
by connecting them to resources, expertise and education.

Our Impact

We hope you will be inspired by these stories

of impact in our communities.

With a firm conviction that everyone has potential, the Azrieli Foundation has been opening doors, breaking ground and nurturing networks, empowering the most vulnerable to the most exceptional to achieve their best and contribute to society.
