Rigorous and Creative
Aiming to make a meaningful impact in our priority areas, we employ not only significant financial resources, but also a rigorous approach to due diligence, short-, medium- and long-term evaluation and reporting. At the same time, we remain open to tackling issues in new and creative ways, and flexible in making adjustments along the way.
Beginning with a careful review of a potential grantee’s or partner’s track record, strategies, leadership and financial stability, as well as the sustainability of any proposed initiative, our funding aims to make a measurable difference by strengthening institutions, empowering individuals and catalyzing out of-the-box thinking and innovative approaches to pressing problems.
Our grant-making ranges from large and long-term initiatives and programs to smaller, strategic short-term investments. In each case, we endeavour to right-size our investments for maximum impact.
Our funding spans our areas of interest and there are often important connections and synergies between priorities. As we continue to apply best practices in philanthropy and learn from our peers and partners, our strategies within our priority areas may evolve.