Azrieli Annual Architecture Activities

The Azrieli Annual Architecture Activities program, also known as A4, was originally developed in 2015 as a platform for alumni of the Azrieli Fellows program to engage in critical discourse on issues facing the discipline of architecture. Within three years this platform has grown significantly, with academics from across Israel and abroad – contributing to a series of symposia, conferences and workshops – to encourage innovation in architectural research and practice.

Today, the A4 conferences aim:

  1. To bring together professionals, teachers, and students to address particular themes in contemporary architecture and education, and;
  2. To foster the practical application of concepts arising from this academic discourse.

Led by the Azrieli Fellows alumni, the first conference, History, Settlement, and Construction in Israeli Modern Architecture emerged as a natural topic of discussion given the environment surrounding the Fellowship. The second conference, Research and Design in Architecture Today, discussed the many ways that studio teaching and more broadly architectural design, can be understood as a forms of research. The third conference, Writing the Space, sought to examine architecture and urban space from the point of view of texts.