One of the challenging things when working with people is, well, working with people. We think differently, interpret actions differently, and create an atmosphere around us that isn’t always what we had intended. Through this workshop, we will get to know tools and skills for interpersonal communication and for recognizing and managing conflicts. We will learn to improve our communication with the people around us in both personal and professional contexts; to recognize emerging conflicts and manage them – all the while strengthening our control and freedom of choice within the situation.
The professional tools utilized in this workshop are varied and interactive and cultivate experiential and inclusive learning. The workshop is interactive and encourages active participation while maintaining the level of exposure appropriate for each participant. It is not a lecture.
Session Date
- Wednesday, December 18, 2024, 09:00-16:00 (Israel Time)
About the instructor
Inbar Amir has acquired two skillsets – one from her experience in theatre and writing, and another from her experience in education and management. In her work she combines her knowledge from these two worlds. Inbar uses tools from the theatre world in workshops on communication, presentation and storytelling which she delivers to diverse groups in Israel and abroad including in the academic, business, social and educational realms. Inbar specializes in preparing speakers for conferences, either individually or in group sessions, with the aim of making academic data accessible to the general public. She teaches writing and storytelling at “Sadnaot Habait” by Eshkol Nevo and Orit Gidali. Inbar is a screenwriter, playwright and director. She participated as a speaker in TEDx Jaffa in 2014 and today works with TEDx speakers around the world in preparation for their talks.
Start Date
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
In-person (Tel Aviv, Location TBD)
Open to
Graduate Studies

For more information about the Azrieli Fellows Program please contact:
Azrieli Fellows Program
85 Medinat HaYehudim St.
Herzliya Pituach 4676672
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